Sandwich Panel has a pre-shaped structure according to uniform specifications, compatible with all designs of the project. This is the strength of soundproofing metal double-sided covers, meeting fire protection standards according to QC 02/2022. Sandwich Panel not only meets the expectations of design architects, but also satisfies very high Green Standards, reducing environmental pollution emissions, saving energy ... And it is clear that light green building materials contribute to the preservation and sustainable development of the world.
Depending on the characteristics and scale of the project, engineers design and apply Panel cover panels to be constructed Horizontal or Vertical installation. For high-tech projects using Panel as a covering wall with a width and height of over 12m, it is recommended to design the panel horizontally, use panels with screw mounts, also known as Siding mount panels in the following stages:

Procy Panel exterior manufacturing process at Phuong Nam Panel factory
In the first stage, after the vertical column bearing structure of the wall has been installed, meeting solid standards and the allowed plane, the horizontal panel will begin. The construction technique will be supported by a longitudinal line (or lifting bridge) to bring the plate up horizontally.

LG Hai Phong factory uses PNP's fireproof exterior wall Prock Panel
Next is the installation of the panel, the first very important plate (the bottom plate of the wall) requires the technician to take the balance plane, shoot the mount fittings, lock the panel firmly fixed, shoot the screw on the upper edge of the panel (short mount) into the load-bearing vertical frame. Then there is the 2nd plate with a pre-shaped link mount, the technique is just to collapse the upper plate mount to the lower plate mount, align the balance and shoot the positioning screw, so on, one by one from low to high according to the height of the wall.
The construction unit follows the method of rolling mats, installing to finish there, peeling off the anti-scratch film – note to leave 2 low bottom panels, to prevent sandy soil from sticking up when mistaken foundation or road construction, these two panels will peel when accepted.

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Continue following the construction steps above, from one compartment to the next. The advantage is that the installation is very fast, each compartment is independent, so it is possible to simultaneously construct many teams of workers, install anywhere, complete right there. This is a construction method that both saves resources and makes the completion schedule much faster.

Bestway Vietnam Factory Project
The editor of the article would like to share and look forward to receiving many comments from the construction brothers in the Erection of Panel Panels, ceiling walls, soundproofing, heat-insulating, fireproof. We wish you a happy Tet reunion, happiness with your family, a healthy New Year and a hard fight to achieve more success!