On the morning of 07/07/2023, PNP is honored to accompany the Department of Science, Technology and Environment - Ministry of Construction in cooperation with #CDC #SikaVietNam successfully organized a workshop to introduce new points in "TCVN 2737: 2023 - Load and impact" at the construction hall, Hanoi.
The workshop shared difficulties, removed obstacles and disseminated the changed content of TCVN: 2023 standard applied to the practice of production and business activities of enterprises:
✅ Load complex when designing houses and buildings (related to QC 03:2022/BXD)
✅ New points when determining wind loads.
✅ Transitional conditions where applicable.
See more TCVN:2023 standards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xVSfKPi-eYRXnbeVfx9lPqkHmiOGAdpp/view