After more than 31 years of establishment and development, Phuong Nam Panel is one of the leading sandwich panel manufacturers in Vietnam and the region. PNPer's journey to overcome turbulence and maintain its leading position in the green materials industry is demonstrated by persistent will, courage to overcome all challenges to move forward. In order to achieve these achievements, in addition to the right and sustainable development strategy, the key factor that plays a very important role determining the clear success of PNP is the staff with Heart, Vision, bravery, suitability and consistency with the same aspiration, ambition for a green Vietnam, for improving the safe quality of life of the community.
Understanding the importance of investing in people, the Board of Directors of the company always creates the best conditions for employees to feel secure to work and work. The organization of collective activities, sports conferences, annual Teambuilding is the clearest evidence, which has instilled more pride for PNPer in the colors of the shirt, we strive to build a PNP culture with a healthy mind in bright mind, stable internal strength, always ready to break all limits.

The moment PNPer together exploded with emotions, unleashing sports to improve health

Representative of PNP Board of Directors – Ms Than Duyen, Mr Giap Van Van (Deputy General Director) accompanies the journey of nurturing the PNPer spirit and presenting gifts and KNC to the winning teams at the 2023 Games

Badminton match day picture
The teams from the Office Block, the Southern Regional Factory competed hard, excited, thrilling, giving the audience beautiful matches, thereby showing bravery, physical endurance and a PNP spirit determined to bring the championship to their team. All competitions are played in October and November, in which Badminton (08/10/2023), Football (15/10/2023) find excellent finishers, individuals with outstanding achievements.
This is one of the activities of VHDN Phuong Nam Panel, an opportunity for the whole PNP family to love and bond, PNPer together to improve the team spirit. This year's HTPNP season has brought pleasant surprises for PNPer to do their best. It is proud that PNPer people have stood together through many brilliant years of youth, and at the same time helped regenerate energy to continue fighting to the finish line in the last 2 months of the year to complete the mission. And because we are more excited to welcome the upcoming brainchild in the 11th month of Phuong Nam Panel - T*ROCK PANEL will SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF SAFETY IN FIRE PROTECTION, SURPASSING THE AESTHETIC QUALITY FOR THE MOST MODERN ARCHITECTURAL ROOF WALL PROJECT!

Picture of football match dates

Photos of teams competing in sports